Friday, 30 January 2009

Will labour support turn to the BNP

LA looks on at the growing numbers of "Union" members walking out of oil refineries and worries.

"British jobs for British people" placards are on display.Nick Griffin will surely be rubbing his hands.

LA has real concern as this escalates as to where it ends.
The poor immigration controls of this administration over the years are now turning against them. It was the 30's that ,through economic depression, the far right in Germany prospered. Hatred and turning on others because of their nationality could devastate our nation.

Mr Brown and his cabinet are to blame for the recessions severity, lets us not turn to the weakest in society as scapegoats. Let the blame lie where it should.

Forget demonsrations, let us not have riots. Give us an election. We are the mother of modern democracy and freedom, we should continue in that vein.

There must never be a kristallnacht in Britain.

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