Sunday 8 February 2009

The drip drip drip of sleaze

LA is wondering when Labour Grandees will step in to oust Brown or at least insist he call an election.
Today's newspapers have Jacqui Smith and her expenses in question. Lord Moonie, a man close to Brown has questions to answer over questions raised by him on defense, whilst in the pay of a US defense company.
Whether either has done anything wrong is immaterial it is the impression of sleaze that matters. It now seams, as with the dying days of the Major administration, every Sunday there is a new tit bit, a further erosion of trust in the governing party.
Surely the Labour party will have seen what happened to the Conservatives after the Major years. Are they willing to risk a decade in the wilderness. Every week Brown continues to cling to power is going to see more and more voters turn their backs on Labour. Prospects of a hung Parliament now look fanciful, but what will Labour grassroots do as they start to see the reality of a Tory landslide look more likely by the day.
LA cannot believe they are all delusional enough to think they are doing well.

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