Monday, 8 September 2008

Pointless Muppet Show in Brirmingham

LA has just returned from his morning with the Cabinet in Birmingham. What a charade. It at some points, felt more like a focus group for a manifesto, maybe it was.
LA has dealt with many a politician in his time but has never been in a room with the whole Cabinet. What an underwhelming Mafia of the mediocre, and thats polite.

The entire event was stage managed, questions vetted and dissent impossible. It was MC'd by Digby Jones. Any doubts that he had gone native are history. He gushed over Gordon as though he had a schoolboy crush. He said he had joined the government because of Gordons vision. LA fails to see how the vision of a Socialist Utopia could appeal to a former head of the CBI.

LA was particularly disturbed by some of the announcements that were made on developments in the West Midlands. These were developments that had the RDA involved, and there use as a media stunt shows that the RDA is being manipulated for party poitics.

LA has left with no doubt that this country is rudderless, leadership is non existant and the incumbeant government stagger around desperate for ideas.

Heaven Help us all.

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